We receive many enquiries on what is Opufund business capabilities. So, we want to elaborate and explain once and for all.
What is Opufund ?
Opufund is the strategic partnership of 2 financial consulting companies with total added industry experience of more than 50 years. We have our fair share of successes and failures in this financial industry.
From the inception day of Opufund, our aim is to provide a strategic financial platform that is accessible to international financial product providers, intermediaries and buyers.
So, we work only with one line of connecting intermediary, not more than one.
We are proud to say, we gain the faith and trust of the providers and in most cases, we are direct to the providers or his mandates. We DO NOT deal through long chain of brokers.
What is Opufund business capabilities ?
Opufund focus on 4 main service quadrants.
– Bank instruments such as SBLC, BG
– Project funding via recourse loan, non recourse loan, securities lending
– Private Placement Program for investor to grow wealth
– Treasury Paymaster as custodian of funds between buyers, sellers and intermediaries
Of all 4 services quadrants, we have direct straight through access to the providers or work closely with mandates.
What are Opufund working terms ?
Being a financial platform, runs and operates by human beings, not robots, there are expenses and the biggest expenses are our professional time spent on due diliigence, connecting and working on your files.
So, please do expect that if you want to engage and work with us, there is fees to be paid, some are upfront professional fee like project funding, some are upon successes as in bank instruments, private placement, treasury paymaster and project funding.
You can find out more on the working terms in each section of our business segments.
How can I be sure Opufund is a genuine financial platform ?
Simple, we have a standard due diligence process and we have a record to submit suspicious files to Interpol. So, we have good record in the eyes of authorities.
For you as a provider, buyer or intermediary who bring the files to us, we can do the following :
- exchange of CIS between parties.
- skype recorded video calls.
- face to face, at the expenses of the requesting party
- lastly, if after the above and both parties still feel uncomfortbale, lets just walk away and remain as friends.
Can you show proof of the other files that Opufund has done ?
Answer is NO !
For all files we agree to work on, we execute a ICC Non Circumvention Non Disclosure Agreement (NCNDA) for 5 years. This is to safeguard interest of all related parties in the transactions and hence we will not disclosure any confidential information in terms of client CIS, DOA or IFPA signed.