Escrow Paymaster |

Escrow Paymaster

The primary purpose of a escrow paymaster is to receive fees in “escrow” by buyers or sellers in a large transaction, and disburse to the all involved parties in a transaction.

Financial instruments like SBLC or commodity contracts dealing such as Oil, Gold, MTN’s, the commission payments is large amount.  Hence, most buyers and sellers of such transactions want to place the money with a neutral third party for disbursement.

As escrow paymaster is a neutral third party and has no knowledge of any particulars of the transaction.

Opufund Holdings handle the incoming commissions, held the fund in escrow.  By using an escrow service is a smart choice. Above all, this protect both sides as having an impartial and neutral third party holding the funds and not releasing them until the entire process is completed. 

In return for the services, we charge a fee. Our clients will pay it directly out of the commission proceeds prior to disbursement.

In summary, the use of a escrow paymaster is one of the most effective means for fees distribution. This protect intermediaries to securely receive the compensation that have been contractually agreed upon by the parties.

Please see our top 10 FAQs of Escrow Paymaster answers.

Opufund Holdings International Limited has financial and legal qualified professional teams with CFP, CPA designations that are capable to manage and structure your financial transactions.

Most importantly, you can be 110% sure of privacy, confidentiality and satisfaction of your transactions.

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